Handsignals must be given:
facing the Rail Traffic;
in such a position that there can be no misunderstanding as to the purpose of
the Handsignal;
in a clear and timely manner; and
so that the Handsignals will be received and acted upon only by those who are
being Signalled.
During Shunting Operations, where it is not possible to face the Rail Traffic, the
Handsignaller must be satisfied that the Rail Traffic Crew can see all Handsignals or
use an alternative method of communications e.g. radio.
A Handsignaller must:
be in or have access to a Safe Place;
be in clear view of those who are being Signalled; and
as required, communicate with:
o Train Controllers;
o Protection Officers (PO); and
o Rail Traffic Crew.
At worksites and Level Crossings, the Handsignaller must remain at the required
Location, unless they are:
replaced by another Handsignaller; or
no longer required.
If conditions such as visibility change, the Handsignaller must tell the PO.
When Handsignalling at a Level Crossing or Controlled Absolute Signal and visibility
changes, the Handsignaller must tell the Train Controller.
In the Electrified Area, Handsignals conveyed by hand, flag or light must not be given
above the head unless the Worker giving the Handsignal is standing on the ground.