4.8. PIPES

Prior to renewing or repairing gas, water or other metal pipes, either above ground or
buried alongside the Track, a temporary Jumper Cable must be connected across any
proposed gap in the pipe, before any disconnection is made. The Jumper Cable must
be left in position until the pipe is again permanently connected.
If a metallic pipe must be replaced with a pipe made of plastic or any other insulating
material; then the work must not be carried out without prior approval of the EEM or
their representative.

The EEM or their representative must be notified prior to the installation or removal of
any temporary Jumper Cable.

Where service pipes belonging to other utilities cross the Rail Corridor, insulated joints
are deliberately introduced into such pipes to contain Traction Earth and reduce the
effects of other Earthing systems. Care must be taken to ensure these insulated joints
are never short Circuited by a temporary Jumper Cable, tool, or any other device.