All cranes working within the Electrified Area must have a PRES appointed. The PRES
must ensure that the level of risk that any activity associated with works will be less
than three (3) metres from Live OLE, is acceptable.
A clear work methodology addressing electrical clearance requirements, including
lifting plans, must be submitted to the PTA as part of the approval process.
It is the responsibility of the PRES supervising the crane to inform the
operator of any electrical hazard that may be encountered and the limits
of work which will apply during operations.
To calculate distances for work involving cranes, take into account the potential of the
load to swing. At all times, the load must be greater than three (3) metres from Live
OLE. Nothing associated with crane work can be above Live OLE, unless an OLE
Permit to Work is in place. Nothing associated with the crane work, including the load,
can be in the restricted area illustrated in Figure 5.1 below.