The Train Controller and the PPO must confirm and record on the Work on Track
 the Works Program Number, advertising the Authority;
 the LPA limits;
 that Blocking Facilities have been applied or, where approved by the Train
Controller, the Crank Handle has been removed to prevent entry of Rail Traffic into
the portion of Track within the proposed limits;
 the Points have been Secured;
 the duration of the LPA;
 the PPO’s name and contact details;
 the issuing Train Controller’s name;
 the time of Issue; and
 the date of Issue.
Where a Departure Signal on a single line is the protecting Signal, the PPO must
arrange for the removal and securing of the Half Pilot Key for that Signal.
When the LPA is Issued the PPO must put the required Protection in place and
commence work.
The Train Controller must make sure that other affected Train Controllers are aware of
the Protection.