Before authorising ASB working, the Train Controller must make sure that:
another Work on Track Authority is not in use within the limits of the proposed
any Rail Traffic holding an Authority for Unidirectional movement has Cleared the
limits of the proposed Worksite by confirming with the PO that the Section is Clear;
Rail Traffic that is Stabled and within the limits of the ASB, must not be Authorised
to move;
the PO knows about any existing obstructions;
the Kilometre locations of the limits of the Worksite have been identified;
the protecting Signals have been identified;
Blocking Facilities have been applied to prevent Unauthorised entry by Rail Traffic
into the limits of the Worksite; and
where the Signal has more than one Route available apply Blocking Facilities to
protect all entry points to the Worksite.
The Train Controller must not permit ASB if there is any doubt about the
Location of the proposed Worksite.
The Train Controller must confirm with the PO the:
name and contact details of the PO;
the works program number;
type of work; and
Location using:
o a kilometre sign and if required one of the following identifiers;
o station name;
o Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) structure number;
o a Points Identification Number;
o a Signal Identification Number;
o an observance of Points or Signal Aspect change; or
o permanent structures, such as a bridge, roadway or overpass used only in
conjunction with one of the above identifiers.