2.3 High-Level Scope and Resource Plan

A coordinated approach is adopted for the delivery of possession related works across the Districts to:-
• Integrate possession requirements across the network
• Tailor individual possessions to allow efficient scope delivery
• Tailor the possession program to allow efficient scope delivery
• Match resources to scope to minimise the resource clashes and overcommitment
• Level as far as practical the resource usage
The aim of the high-level scope and resource plan is to achieve the delivery of full scope/s for a financial year within the existing possession program and any non-possession work. The high-level scope and resource plan is developed in stages beginning nine months before the financial year begins. The possession program and Annual Works Program drafts are initially used to match the scope of works to the possession program and then to refine the plan to match the priorities of scopes, the timing of scopes, availability of resources and any other governing factors.
The Asset Scheduling and Delivery Coordination Unit (AS&DC), Major Works and TfNSW Project Representatives meet to allocate projects to configuration possessions. If a possession configuration requires modification to achieve the full scope then the required modification is presented to the Strategic Track Possessions Manager for assessment/approval.
A series of high-level Scope and Resource Planning meetings are held following the preliminary meeting between stakeholders. These meetings will allocate resources to scopes in configuration possessions and identify any scopes which are seen as undeliverable due to resource shortfalls. Resource requirements are recorded in Primavera.
The AS&DC unit with Project Delivery Engineers and Program Coordination Managers further evaluate the project scopes by means of site visits to determine whether the project scopes are adjustable. If the scope cannot be adjusted, a determination is made to deliver the scope by external resources or a combination of internal and external resources.