Minimum Requirements for Temporary Staff Amenities
If temporary staff amenities are required they must be equal to the existing facilities and
satisfy the following conditions:
• Existing permanent toilets are to be used (where practical) in lieu of temporary
toilets or the works staged in such a way to maximise the use of existing toilets for
the longest amount of time possible and then use the new facilities (if new staff
toilets are to be provided in upgrade works?)
• If temporary toilets required, provide at least 1x female + 1x male unless otherwise
suggested / directed by Station Manager, with a hand basin contained within each
cubicle and connect to sewer where practical
• Meal room / kitchenette (if applicable), will require a small sink (hot and cold water)
/ cupboard storage with an instant water boiling unit
• Sign-on Area
• Staff Lockers
• Fully secure (roof, ceiling, walls and floors), vandal proof and lockable with
additional built-in security measures at least equal to existing staff amenities area
requirements (eg. G2 bullet proof windows and protective steel plates to ticketing
areas, staff panic buttons, IAS etc.)
• All external doors are to be solid core type, passive surveillance capable (vision
panel) as per a permanent installation
Refer to
• Section 3.4 Station Operational Areas for further details.