Temporary Passenger Stairs Temporary Passenger Stairs
Where temporary stairs are required they must be equal to the existing facilities and
satisfy the following conditions:
• Have the same requirements as per a permanent stair (eg riser and tread,
balustrades, crowd loading, lighting)
• Provide the same, or the minimum existing vertical circulation widths
• Be located such that the public are able to see the stairs as they approach the
platform, and vice versa (to increase safety)
• Provide an awning roof and /or walls that facilitate passive surveillance and protect
users from inclement weather • If the temporary stair passes over electric train running lines, that they be fitted with
RailCorp standard overhead catenary shields where required.
• Be electrically bonded and earthed as per RailCorp electrical standards where
• Be located on a station platform so as to provide adequate space on platforms etc.
during works such that all staff access doors to retained station operational areas
are still accessible
• Be located on a station so as to maintain all required and existing circulation paths
minimum widths
Some stations may require that the overall circulation widths at concourse level are not
reduced: where temporary high level concourse bridges are provided, they should meet
the same minimum requirements as temporary stairs