Draft Urban Design Guidelines with Young People in Mind, DUAP, September
This draft guideline addresses the problems young people face in using urban centres. It
also raises the issue of the behaviour of young people and design solutions that can be
used to help make the public spaces, such as transport interchanges within the urban
environment, less intimidatory to all users. The draft guideline is divided into eight sections; each addressing different issues relating
to young people and the urban environment. Design solutions are proposed for each of
the issues raised.
Young people are users of public transport and the guideline raises issues of particular
relevance to the design of railway stations and transport interchanges. These are listed
as following:
• Be manufactured to be durable and resistant to heavy usage and attack by vandals
and thieves
• Pick-up drop off points should be well lit. They should be positioned in active
locations where casual surveillance opportunities exist
• Provide walking and/or cycling links along routes which are well lit and where
surveillance opportunities exist
• Provide services such as public phones and public toilets where they are easy to
find and where surveillance opportunities exist.