1.0 Introduction
Network Rail has for many years had requirements for all mobile cranes operating alongside the railway. This guide brings these requirements together in one document with an explanation of those requirements and how they may be complied with. The guide does not introduce any additional requirements and is aimed at producing an easily accessible document which has been endorsed by Network Rail.
1.1 General
Lifting operations by their very nature involve risk. The starting point for the reduction of risk should always begin with consideration of the need to carry out lifting operations, or whether other, less hazardous, techniques can be used.
It is essential that the person requiring lifting operation(s) to be undertaken ensures that these are effectively planned. This will be undertaken by the appointed person (see BS 7121- 3) in consultation with the Principal Designer on construction projects.
Mobile cranes and other mobile lifting equipment may present a risk to railways during rigging, use, maintenance and de-rigging. Both Network Rail and crane users have a duty to ensure the safety of the railway. If the crane or its load falls onto the track, a catastrophic
accident may well result that could include multiple fatalities. It is therefore essential that best practice is followed to eliminate or reduce this risk to as low as reasonably practicable. In doing so, the crane user will be able to demonstrate to Network Rail and
other regulators that adequate measures have been put in place. The requirements specified in this document should be adhered to when mobile cranes are rigged and used alongside Network Rail assets. Early consultation with Network Rail will ensure that any issues are
identified and addressed well before any lifting operation starts.
NOTE: Annex E of BS 7121-1:2016 gives additional recommendations for operation of cranes on or adjacent to sites of exceptional hazards which include railways.
This guidance covers temporarily installed non-rail mounted lifting equipment including
wheeled mobile cranes, lorry loader cranes, crawler mobile cranes, mini/compact cranes,
chassis mounted mobile self-erecting tower cranes, and both telehandlers and excavators
used for lifting suspended loads. In this document, the term mobile crane will include all
these types of lifting equipment.
The guidance does not cover top slewing and self-erecting tower cranes, gantry cranes,
piling rigs or rail mounted cranes, nor road/rail units where they are on rail.
NOTE: Tower cranes are covered by the CPA guidance document “Requirements for Tower Cranes Alongside
Railways Controlled by Network Rail” (free download from www.cpa.uk.net)
NOTE: The use of rail mounted lifting equipment is covered by “RIS-1700-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Safe
Use of Plant for Infrastructure Work” (free download from http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards)