1.0 Introduction
Lifting operations by their very nature involve risk. The starting point for the reduction of risk
should always begin with consideration of the need to carry out lifting operations, or whether
other, less hazardous, techniques can be used.
Tower cranes are temporary structures which may present a risk to railways during erection,
climbing, use, maintenance and dismantling. If the crane or its load falls onto the track a
catastrophic accident may well result. It is therefore essential that best practice is followed to
eliminate or reduce this risk. The following requirements must be adhered to when tower
cranes are erected and used alongside Network Rail.
Network Rail must be consulted by the user of the crane in all circumstances where the
tower crane and its load can collapse within 4m of a railway asset or property boundary. In
these circumstances the following hierarchy of measures (see 2.0) must be observed before
Network Rail will permit the crane to be erected and used.
Where it is necessary to carry out lifting operations over or adjacent to a live railway,
Network Rail infrastructure or railway public areas, Network Rail must be consulted at the
earliest stage of planning. They will then determine the measures required, which may well
include a railway possession and, if appropriate, isolation for which the lead time will be